City of West Sacramento
Home MenuStreet Sweeping Program
The Utility/Road Maintenance Division is responsible for keeping city streets clean of trash and debris. Street sweeping not only keeps city streets cleaner and safer, but it also reduces health hazards related to dust and insures trash doesn't become a refuge for insects and rodents. Regular sweeping also helps prevent the accumulation of debris in catch basins and drainage ditches and reduces the amount of sedimentation discharged to streams, lakes, ponds and other waterways. Bike Lanes and Medians are swept every week to keep pedestrians and bikers safe. Commercial areas and residential streets are swept every 2 weeks to keep our city looking good! For more information, or to report an area that needs immediate attention, please call the Public Works Department at (916) 617-4850 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The City will make every effort to adhere to the schedule. On the day when your street is scheduled for sweeping, the city requests that you not park any vehicles on the street to enable the sweeper to do a thorough job.